Monday, March 19, 2012

Ethsat TV's Shocking Video: Qubee, Usage of Afaan Oromoo, Oromiyaa Part of Fascism

Shocking Video: Qubee, Usage of Afaan Oromoo, Oromiyaa Part of Fascism (As Shown on G7's ESAT)

Click here to view Ethsat's TV Video

In this shocking video aired on the Ginbot-7-funded* ESAT Television, Qubee (Latin Alphabet), the usage of Afaan Oromoo for self-rule and Oromiyaa are presented as part of Fascism's plot to undermine, what the presenter calls, "Abyssinia's great place in the world." This is a preview of the grand plan that will be deployed to wipe out Oromummaa and Oromiyaa, for which countless heroes and heroines have died for and are struggling for to free from Abyssinian century-old colonization. With their grand plan to destroy the Oromo struggle underway, Oromo future generations will be indoctrinated in such ways to hate themselves: their identity, Oromummaa, and their country, Oromiyaa. Welcome to Ginbot-7's and Woyane's New Ethiopia.

It's to be remembered that the above presenter was criticized recently for his prejudice against Oromo while interviewing Dr. Trevor Trueman, Chairman of the Oromia Support Group (OSG), a non-political organization established to raise awareness about human rights abuses in Ethiopia -

When Ginbot-7 and its reactionary cohorts in the media were calling TPLF was a fascist, it had been naively thought they were referring to the brutality of the regime and its gross human rights violations, but they were actually referring to "Qubee/Latin, Usage of Afan Oromo for self-rule and Oromiyaa," which the ESAT video says are "parts of Fascism's plot to undermine Abyssinia."

To see the full video,

* For link between Ginbot-7 and ESAT, see page 23 of this report:


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